Would You Rather

The most exciting game for friends!

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Tap into excitement with our free "Would You Rather" app for iOS & Android. Get ready for endless fun with 1000+ challenging questions!

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Would You Rather

For iPhone & Android

Prepare yourself for endless fun and thought-provoking dilemmas with our interactive Would You Rather online game! We’ve carefully selected over 1,000 fun questions that will put your decision-making skills to the test and spark fascinating conversations with friends, family, and partners.

From ridiculous to thought-provoking, Would You Rather has been a staple of social gatherings for generations. Dive into our wide range of perplexing questions and discover how your choices stack up against millions of other players worldwide.

Ready to get started? Join the fun and challenge yourself with the ultimate Would You Rather online experience - available on our website and mobile app. Unleash your inner debater and discover what it means to be faced with the most intriguing dilemmas. The adventure awaits!

Play Would You Rather online

Coming up with Would You Rather questions has never been easier! With an online collection of thought-provoking scenarios, you’ll never run out of questions to ask.

Choose from hundreds of questions from diverse categories, ranging from popular and easy topics to more obscure and intense ones. There’s something for everyone!

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How to play Would You Rather

Playing Would You Rather is easy! Simply gather your friends or family and take turns answering the questions presented to you. There are no right or wrong answers - just choose what feels right to you.

The game is simple and doesn’t require any special equipment or materials. One person starts the game by asking a Would You Rather question. The question can be anything from silly and fun to deep and thought-provoking.

For example, “Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?”

Once the question is asked, each player must choose their answer and explain why they made that choice. Then, it’s the next person’s turn to ask a question.

The game can continue for as long as you want or until you run out of questions. So, have fun!

Would You Rather game rules

There’s no right or wrong way to play Would You Rather, but we suggest following some basic rules to keep the game fun and entertaining for everyone. Here’s a quick rundown of the game:

Preparing the game: Let’s get ready to rumble!

1. Gather in a circle or around a table. If you’re playing with a bigger group, consider sitting in a circle so everyone can hear each other.

2. Decide on the person who goes first. This can be done by drawing straws or any other fair method. A popular way is to have the youngest player begin.

3. Set a time limit for the game. You could end the game after everyone has asked one question, after five rounds, or until you’ve run out of questions. It’s up to you!

4. Make sure all players understand the game. Make sure everybody knows what’s the game about. If there are new players, explain how the game works before starting.

Playing the game: Time to get this party started!

1. The person designated to go first asks a question. The questions can stick to a theme or be completely random. The only rule is that it has to include two options to choose from (e.g., “Would you rather live on a deserted island or in the middle of a busy city?”).

2. All players must choose one of the two options. You can’t say “Both” or “Neither”.

3. Explain your answers (optional). This is a great way to get to know each other better and spark interesting conversations.

4. Move on to the next person in order and repeat the steps. You can play as long as you like!

That’s it! There are no points, winners, or losers; just a fun way to get to know each other and have a good time. Whether you’re playing with friends, family, or coworkers, Would You Rather is the perfect icebreaker for any occasion!